Friday, June 20, 2008

Emmy Video

Emmy trying to carry an attached poof ball with her hehe.

More Cat Pictures

Most of these were taken by me when my sister was visiting.

Emmy looking pretty.

Squirt looks like he's up to something. He looks way too cute.

This is my sister's overnight bag. Here Emmy is thinking "hmmm this looks like a nice place to sit"

"Why are you watching me!?"

"Maybe she can't see me now"

So comfy


The last 3 were taken by my sister. You can see my arm in this pic playing WoW haha.

Random Cat Pictures

I have a feeling there will be a lot of these kinds of posts haha.

Look at that face!

Being bad.

Emmy said it was her turn to play.

Emmy is the queen of taking weird pics. Caught her in mid head shake here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Christmas 2007

Ok, well, better late than never right? Here are a whole bunch of pictures that were taken sometime during the 3 days I stayed at home around Christmas.

My sister, Katie, flicking boogers at me. It's what she does. And yeah, she's wearing an Iron Maiden shirt for Christmas.

Katie being domestic.

Emmy on the prowl. I think this picture is really neat.

Christmas dinner for the kitties. This is the only way to get them to eat together hehe. Lucky on one side and my two cats on the other side, so Lucky can't see mine. Mine would love to get to know Lucky better, but Lucky will have none of it.

This is Jessie. She has bad arthritis and can't walk very well, so we brought her Christmas dinner to her.

This is Lucky. She's my sister's cat.

Lucky and Emmy (my cat) facing off.

Squirt. Dunno what else to say about him. He's also my cat. I took both of my cats home for the holidays.

This is the best picture I have ever taken. Emmy stretched and yawned right as I took the picture. My intention was just to get a nice picture of her lying on the ground haha.

I think my mom is sad because she couldn't find a certain sweater she was looking for. She didn't even notice Squirt trying to creep into the dresser until I started laughing.

Weird things around my parent's house

I'm a huge collector of, well, just about anything that can be collected. I am 100% positive I got this from my mom. Here are some of the odd things she keeps around the house. These were taken around Christmas (yeah I said I have issues taking pics off my camera!), so that's the reason for the various Christmas type things you see.

Smoking Man! This is probably my favorite Christmas decoration and I would love to have one of my own if it wasn't for my rambunctious cats.

My mom has a lot of these little houses around. I'm not sure what they are called, but this one is a train station and she has little pewter guys with suitcases standing out front.

Here's a Fire Hall. I'll have to try to find her some little firemen or dalmations or something for it.

A balloon hanging from the fan in the family room. My dad actually found this one. I think there is one under the kitchen chandelier also.