Thursday, June 19, 2008

Weird things around my parent's house

I'm a huge collector of, well, just about anything that can be collected. I am 100% positive I got this from my mom. Here are some of the odd things she keeps around the house. These were taken around Christmas (yeah I said I have issues taking pics off my camera!), so that's the reason for the various Christmas type things you see.

Smoking Man! This is probably my favorite Christmas decoration and I would love to have one of my own if it wasn't for my rambunctious cats.

My mom has a lot of these little houses around. I'm not sure what they are called, but this one is a train station and she has little pewter guys with suitcases standing out front.

Here's a Fire Hall. I'll have to try to find her some little firemen or dalmations or something for it.

A balloon hanging from the fan in the family room. My dad actually found this one. I think there is one under the kitchen chandelier also.

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